If you are interested in basalt tiles in family house, restaurant, garage or industrial operation, go to the Pavement section.
Sewerages systems
Do you design or construct sewerage system? Are you searching material, which will last longer than other materials? Go to the page of basalt product for sewerages.
Have you experienced repeated problems
with piping? Does it perforate faster than you wish? Do you design
piping? The web pages are just for you.
Alloyed Cast Iron
In troubles with extreme wear and heat? Go to the cast iron and steel to help solve extreme problems.
We improve properties of millions-yearold stone - basalt by melting. This results in excellent physical andchemical characteristics, which are better than properties of originalnatural basalt.
These properties aremainly as follows:
Hardness * Strength * Abrasionresistance * Zero imbition * Chemical resistance
Are you searching natural ecological, and also cheapmaterial for your contruction? Do not hesitate and use our basalt products!You will find in them not only durability and lifetime, but alsoserviceability and unusual appearance of natural ecological material. You will be satisfied with them for very long period.
Stone basalt tilesfeature uncommon appearance, when each produced tile is an original.Similarly each floor composed from the basalt pavement becomes irreplaceableoriginal. Thus the originality of the tiles is similar to snow flocks. Caution! Snow flock disappears in a moment, whereas the basalt tiledoes not change for centuries and serves to its purpose.